Pennyblackmusic - 20th Anniversary
by Admin
published: 13 / 10 / 2018

Some of Pennyblackmusic's favourite artists and labels help us celebrate our 20th Anniversary by sending us their birthday greetings.
PETER ALLISON, PENNYBLACKMUSIC WRITER 2007-2012 AND NOW FREELANCE WRITER AND JOURNALIST It was Pennyblackmusic that first kickstarted my writing career after I was asked to interview the Alabama 3. Which now sees me writing for the BBC, The Guardian and The Independent. Also through Pennyblackmusic, I have had beers with the Fun Lovin' Criminals, hung out with Wednesday 13 and been to some of the greatest gigs. PAUL AUSTIN, THE TRANSMISSIONARY SIX, THE WALKABOUTS AND THE WILLARD GRANT CONSPIRACY (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2002 and 2003.) I don’t even have to think about it when I say that your site has defined for me what a labour of love music writing is. I don’t mean that in a profit or loss sense (I tend not to think of anything in music that way unless forced to), but in a sense of always adhering to the mission, regardless of which way the wind is blowing. I can tell you from experience that songwriters love doing your interviews, because the depth of preparation is incredibly flattering, and the warmth of tone in each question is wonderfully endearing. No doubt, songwriters meet fans who offer up such an enthused but inquisitive take on their music. The songwriters smile and think, “Man, now that’s who we play for!” It happens with interviews as well; the same takes place on the music journalism front, and Pennyblack comes to mind as the perfect example. That’s who we play for. All the best, and with gratitude for so many things and in so many ways... NEIL BEARDS, THE AMBER HERD AND SERVANTS OF SCIENCE (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2013.) he Amber Herd and Servants of Science have had the pleasure of working with Pennyblackmusic and in particular the force of nature that is Dave Goodwin since the 2012 Deerstock Festival in Nottingham and in that time we have been blessed with some amazing record and gig reviews and some astounding photography. Pennyblack is as credible, insightful and independent as they come and we all look forward to the next twenty years! MARK BEAZLEY, ROTHKO AND EX ROME PAYS OFF (5 Pennyblackmusic interviews between 2001 and 2016. Rothko played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London in 2003 and 2007, and Rome Pays Off one in 2011.) Congratulations to Pennyblackmusic and all of those who have contributed to it over the past 20 years. Thank you for supporting not just my music, but for supporting all the artists that you write so passionately about. FELIX BECHTOLSHEIMER, CURSE OF LONO AND EX HEY NEGRITA (4 Pennyblackmusic interviews between 2005 and 2016. hey Negrita played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London in 2007>) Happy 20th Birthday Pennyblack!! Thank you so much for all your support over the years. You were one of the very first magazines to interview me when I started Hey Negrita fifteen years ago and you have supported every release since then. ANDREW BENNETT, JEZUS FACTORY RECORDS Over the last decade plus of our existence I can't thank you enough for your consistent support of our label reviewing no less than twelve of our releases over the years so far! Running a small label can make you feel like you are mad but when someone else understands what you are doing makes you feel that you are not just barking at the wall and gives you the strength to carry on...A selection of my favourite quotes are... "The band touch on the same kind of inexorable power as ‘Red’-era King Crimson." Sukilove - 'Drunkaleidoscope', 2013 "His awful piss-take of Tina Turner's 'Simply The Best' on 'In Starlight' makes little sense." Pawlowski, Trouve & Ward - '2', 2017 "‘Rosemary’, concerning the Kennedys’ incarcerated and lobotomised sister, where the lyrics are delivered in the manner of a strangulated Tom Petty." Extradition Order - 'Kennedy', 2015 "Sounds how I’d imagine the inside of Brian Wilson’s head would. ‘Sludge’ sounds like an orchestra comprised of house hold appliances’ take on prog rock rock, which is surprisingly enjoyable and will definitely make me pay more attention to my vacuum cleaner the next time I’m short on inspiration." Tape Cuts Tape - 'Black Mold', 2013 "‘Toby’ should be a surefire hit with fans of Bon Iver, Nick Drake and other fragile folkies." True Bypass - 'Toby', 2012 "A somewhat eccentric work, ‘Apologies to the Enlightenment’ should appeal to people with Tom Waits and The Fall in their record collection. " Paul Hawkins & Thee Awkward Silences - 'Apologies To The Enlightenment', 2010 JOHN BLANEY, MEGA DODO Happy Birthday, Pennyblackmusic! JOHNY BROWN, THE BAND OF HOLY JOY (4 Pennyblackmusic interviews between 2012 and 2018. The Band of Holy Joy played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London three times in 2015 and 2016.) Happy 20th birthday to Pennyblackmusic, the best online music site there is. Hoping you fly the flag of unchampioned and left of leftfield musical forms for the next 20 years. In a world of mediocrity, falseness and glitzy dross you are sorely needed. IAN BUTTON, PAPERNUT CAMBRIDGE, ROTIFER AND GARE DU NORD RECORDS (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2014.) A big Happy Birthday to all at Pennyblackmusic from me on behalf of all of us at Gare Du Nord (Papernut Cambridge, Robert Rotifer and more) - we owe you a huge thank you for all the support and interest you've shown for our music and releases! FIONA CRAWFORD, NOT FORGOTTEN GIRL (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2015. Not Forgetten Girl played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in Edinburgh in 2015.) hanks to Pennyblackmusic for giving us what ended up being one of our favourite gigs to date at the Wee Red Bar in Edinburgh in 2015, supporting the Willard Grant Conspiracy and sharing the bill with Big Hogg. A big thank you also to John Clarkson for a very complimentary review of our ‘Heading East’ EP released in 2016. Here’s to another twenty years! ADAM CRESSWELL, EX-SALOON AND NOW RODNEY CROMWELL AND HAPPY ROBOTS RECORDS (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2002.) Mega Happy Birthday to Pennyblack - the original and best! Thanks so much for all the support over the years. From early features back when I was in Saloon in 2002, it's amazing that you still entertain my musical indulgences - not least with the several interviews given to artists on Happy Robots Records. I know any artist is always thrilled to get a Pennyblack feature - thanks so much for sticking with it. Here is to 20 years more! DAVID MICHAEL CURRY, THE WILLARD GRANT CONSPIRACY AND EMPTY HOUSE CO-OPERATIVE (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2002 and 2013. Robert Fisher, the Willard Grant Conspiracy who died in February 2017, took part in a further eight interviews betwwen 1999 and 2013. The Willard Grant Conspiracy played Pennyblackmusic Bands Nights in London, Glasgow and Edinburgh four times between 2010 and 2015.) Our paths have crossed many times over the years, and we appreciate your dedication to great music and to our friendship. Robert would have written this, and better than I, but he's no longer with us, so I thank you on behalf of the Willard Grant Conspiracy. NICK GARRIE, SOLO ARTIST (Pennyblackmusic Interview, 2011. Nick Garrie played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London two times in 2011 and 2016.) I have two memories of friendly well run gigs with PennyBlack and a nice interview. I am virtually unknown in this country so it has been nice to get the friendly recognition. I remember an interview with a US singer and I could imagine the interviewer ducking under the table as he ranted and raved. I think that sets you out a bit from the rest. You let the artist speak for themselves. Well done on reaching your 20. My debut album 'The Nightmare of JB Stanislas' is 50 next year and I still can't find a booking agent! JOE GIDEON, EX-BIKINI ATOLL AND JOE GIDEON AND THE SHARK AND NOW SOLO ARTIST (7 Pennyblackmusic interviews between 2003 and 2016. Bikini Atoll played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London four times in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 and Joe Gideon and the Shark two times in 2007.) Congratulations on your 20th! Thankyou for your support over all these mad-music-years. Let’s do another twenty! WAYNE GOODERHAM, EX-BAPTISTE AND KELMAN (5 Pennyblackmusic interviews between 2000 and 2008. Baptiste played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London in 2003 and Kelman in 2005 and 2007.) It's impossible to understate how much it means to a young band to be paid serious attention by anyone outside their immediate circle of friends. So, the initial interest shown in Baptiste by first Anthony Strutt and then, via Anthony, Pennyblack Music, meant more to us than Anthony and John probably ever realised. Happy Birthday! JULIA GRANT, LOOSE MUSiC It’s been an absolute pleasure working with John at Pennyblackmusic for the eight years that I’ve been at Loose. Back when I had what I now perceive to be the rather unenviable task of trying to secure album reviews online whilst lacking any previous experience in such a role, John was among a small number of journalists who made me feel reassured that I wasn’t just firing off emails into a void and that there were friendly faces on the other ends of some of these emails - people with an unwaning passion for the music. However, most importantly perhaps is the quality of journalism. Every review or interview I’ve read on Pennyblack is so beautifully written and researched that they’re always an absolute joy to read. A rare treat in an internet saturated with shit journalism. Happy 20th Birthday Pennyblackmusic - keep on showing the others how it should be done. NICK HALLIWELL, THE GRANITE SHORE, THE DISTRACTIONS AND OCCULTATION RECORDINGS (4 Pennyblackmusic Interviews between 2012 and 2017.) Happy 20th birthday to Pennyblackmusic. We at Occultation are approaching our own tenth anniversary and throughout that time we've been immensely grateful for PBM's unflagging support of The Wild Swans, The Granite Shore, The Distractions, Factory Star, The June Brides, the Revolutionary Army of the Infant Jesus and others. Roll on your thirtieth and our own twentieth but, till then, think of the world. IAN HENDERSON, FISHRIDER RECORDS "Happy 20th birthday to PennyBlackMusic from Fishrider Records - a label on the opposite side of the world that has released several albums by Dunedin, NZ bands that Pennyblack have written about, and enjoyed. We really appreciate the words & support. Keep on keeping on SHAUN HENDRY, VACILANDO '68 Vacilando '68 would like to thank Pennyblackmusic for being so supportive over the eight years of our existence and for promoting great music generally. It's a shared philosophy that makes us keep doing what we all do and having like-minded allies is so important. Keep it up your end and I shall do my best to do likewise mine. MARK HODKINSON, BLACK SEDAN (2 Pennyblaackmusic interviews, 2009 and 2018) Happy 20th birthday, Pennyblackmusic. Always enthusiastic, honest, unpretentious and ever young. You are one of very few spaces, places, that exists outside the usual media and PR self-serving cliques, happy to trust your own judgment and relate your pleasures with a rare integrity. Hope you live forever. DOUG HOEKSTRA, SOLO ARTIST (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2002 and 2003) Happy Anniversary, Pennyblack! I vividly remember when we met. It was my second tour of the UK, a four-week jaunt that took me to Scotland for the first time. Up the A1 and along the coast I drove, with my partner in vocal crime, Kat Parsons white knuckled in the passenger’s seat, as we headed into Edinburgh to begin a two city double bill, an in-store at Virgin Records on Princes Street in Edinburgh in the afternoon (set up by Stuart Ferguson), followed by a gig at that night in Glasgow (set up by Richard Bull) at a venue since lost to memory. It was the first day of November. Some places naturally resonate more deeply than others. In Scotland, I was immediately drawn to the vast skies, wide open glens and magical vibes that I imagined somehow emanated from the presence of the ancients, through cairns, castles, and standing stones. The familiarity made personal sense, because I had deep roots in Scotland, on my dad’s mother’s side, her ancestors having once lived in Eglinton Castle. But, really, whether past or present, it’s always the people. On that first half a day in Edinburgh, Stuart was an extremely gracious gig host, and John Clarkson came to the show to listen and do an interview for Pennyblack, right there amongst the CDs. Intelligent questions, kindly put, naturally curious and focused on the music, the language that bridges all cultures. Over the next few tours, when I came to Edinburgh, Stuart would put me up at his flat, and John and I would catch up at the Village, where I usually played with Sunshine Delay, a great band who became friends, a path that led to shared hangs in London, Chicago, and Nashville, among other locales. Although I set out on gigs to play music, make some money, and sell some cds, all so I could continue that circle, it is the friendships and connections that make the deepest impression, over time and above worth. That is where John and Pennyback lie, with great appreciation. Thanks for keeping the creative aspidistra flying for so many of us. Hopefully I’ll see you again sooner than later. JOHN HOWARD, SOLO ARTIST (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2013 and 2018.) Happy 20th birthday, Pennyblackmusic! Here's to many more years ahead, and thank you for your fantastic support. RAY HUMPHRIES, SOLO ARTIST (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2016) Congratulations on 20 years! Here's to the next twenty! What an amazing achievement, I am so proud to have been included in your work. ROBERT 'HACKER' JESSETT AND ANNE GILPIN, MORTON VALENCE AND BLACK ANGEL DRIFTER (4 Pennyblackmusic interviews between 2011 and 2017. Morton Valence played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night two times in London in 2011 and 2014.) Happy Birthday, Pennyblackmusic! You're the best! WILLIAM JONES, FRIENDS (3 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2003, 2004 and 2007. Friends played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London in 2007.) I remember wishing Pennyblackmusic happy birthday five years ago when you were a rebellious teenager. Now you are almost grown up I’d like to say happy birthday again! Thanks for all your support during your (short) lifetime. The interviews and reviews have introduced a lot of people to our music over the years and Indiepopworld is the richer for your continuing presence. JUSTIN LUMSDEN, BIG HOGG (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2015. Big Hogg played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night three times in Glasgow and Edinburgh in 2015 and 2016.) A very happy birthday to Pennyblackmusic from Big Hogg. Here's to a rosy future. STEPHEN MCLAREN, SOLO ARTIST (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2017) Many congratulations on 20 years of dedication to music new and established. In the vacuous ocean of the Internet today, Pennyblackmusic is a virtuous buoy. Thank you for the support and here's to another twenty years! RAF MANTELLI AND RICHARD O. SMITH, RAF AND O (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2016. Raf and O played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London on 2016 and will do so again at our 20th Anniversary gig at the Water Rats on September 15th 2018.) Wishing Pennyblackmusic the most wonderful 20th anniversary! Having previously performed for, been interviewees and even this wonderful magazine’s gig of the year in 2016, we’re very grateful and proud of having been invited to celebrate such a milestone. We wish all at Pennyblackmusic a wonderful future continuing supporting and spreading music and culture! ROY MOLLER, SOLO ARTIST (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2012 and 2016. Roy Moller played Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in Glasgow and London in 2012 and 2016.) I really appreciate the support of Pennyblackmusic through interviews, gigs and reviews right back to my first single in 2003. Without this I would have been whistling in the dark. Long may Pennyblackmusic spotlight a broad spectrum of music, giving valuable exposure to lesser-known artists alongside more familiar names. MAY PANG, AUTHOR OF 'LOVING JOHN' AND 'INSTAMATIC KARMA' (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2017) Happy 20th Birthday to Pennyblackmusic, the online magazine that still gives us music lovers something to read about. STEPHEN PARSONS, SHARKS (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2016) Sharks are delighted to be a part of Pennyblack's 20th birthday. Not only do PB 'get' what Sharks are all about but they get what others are doing to spice up the musical brew. The PB crew seem curiously human in a digital landscape so cheers for that and here's to another twenty. VINNY PECULIAR, SOLO ARTIST (5 Pennyblackmusic interviews between 2007 and 2016. Vinny Peculiar played Pennyblackmusic Bands Nights in London, Glasgow and Edinburgh three times inn 2015 and 2016.) Happy 20th Birthday, john and all at Pennyblack. Huge thanks for covering such a diverse, intriguing range of music over the years, and of course for championing my releases too. It's most appreciated. PHILAMONJARO, PHOTOGRAPHER (Regular guest photographer to Pennyblackmusic from 2012 to 2018.) Happy 20th anniversary Pennyblackmusic. Congratulations for not only enduring, but thriving over the years! Your vision and passion for music is inspiration for so many readers and writers as proven by this longevity. I am so proud to be a contributing photographer and amongst the ranks of so many seasoned music writers, GLENN PRANGNELL, GROOVY UNCLE (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2014.) Happy 20th Birthday, Pennyblackmusic! Some of the best and most thorough music articles have appeared within your pages over the years. Always informative, insightful and entertaining with a great respect for the musicians/subject matter. The reviews are always about the bands and their music and never about the writer, as is often the case. Pennyblack has always been good to Groovy Uncle. Thank you. I hope you're having a party! SEAN PRICE, FORTUNA POP (4 Pennyblackmusic interviews between 2003 and 2007) Congratulations on reaching the big 2-0! Twenty years is a long time to do something for love not money, I know. Thank you for everything! ASHLEY REAKS, SOLO ARTIST (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2009 and 2010) Congratulations to everyone at Pennyblackmusic on their 20th Anniversary and a big thank you to Lisa Torem in particular for supporting my art and music over the years. I’m playing a gig tonight and will perform a short rendition of the ‘Anniversary Waltz’ to celebrate! Here’s to many more years for Pennybackmusic! CHARLES RITCHIE, TALKINGGIGS Congratulations Pennyblackmusic. 20 years! I discovered you only four to five years ago...but now I'm a regular visitor to the site. Keep up your exciting and broad range of coverage for the future. SIMON RIVERS, THE BITTER SPRINGS AND OLDFIELD YOUTH CLUB (5 Pennyblackmusic interviews between 2003 and 2018. The Bitter Springs played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London four times between 2003 and 2015 and will do so again at our 20th Anniversary gig along with Oldfield Youth Club at the Water Rats on September 15th 2018.) Happy Birthday to Pennyblack ("20 years of hurt never stopped me dreaming")...don't know what you saw in us but you were right. Many, many thanks for you're continued support...Have a bleeding great birthday! MO ROBERTSON, JOHN CLARKSON'S PARTNER Congratulations, Pennyblackmusic! Twenty years of brilliant interviews, reviews and magazines. Here's to another twenty years and, who knows, I might even get JOhn's attention one of these days! JAMES SCALLAN, THE PONY COLLABORATION (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2010 and 2018. The Pony Collabaration played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London in 2010.) Happy 20th birthday! Thank you for all the support and encouragement you’ve given us over the years. It really means a lot to us. We will never forget the gig we played for you at the Half Moon in Herne Hill. Memorable for all the wrong reasons... Here’s to another twenty years! GRAHAME SKINNER, HIPSWAY AND THE SKINNER GROUP (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2011 and 2016. Grahame Skinner played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in Glasgow in 2014.) After a ten year hiatus I decided to throw my hat into the musical ring. Probably the first publication to show any interest or support was Pennyblack. When you're down you remember those sort of things. NEAL SMITH, ALICE COOPER GROUP (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2018) Thanks a billion to Lisa Torem for your great articles about the original "Alice Cooper Group's" 2017 UK reunion and our 50th anniversary in 2018! Here's to Pennyblackmusic someday reaching that milestone goal as well! Continued success! SUKIE SMITH, MADAM (4 Pennyblackmusic interviews between 2009 and 2016. Madam also played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London four times between 2009 and 2016) Happiest Birthday !! From the first show we played for you back in 2009 we knew you were a brilliant maverick force of clever journalism and a hugely welcome supporter of independent music. We were honoured to have been featured in your magazine with wildly insightful interviews, gorgeous reviews and one heady year as your editor-in-chief John Clarkson's Album of the Year. Your interest in our music has been utterly essential and helped us maintain the chutzpah to keep pushing forward. We have met and worked with an outrage of talent through your perfectly curated nights, played messy dark shows with cohorts who have become collaborators away from the initial meeting . We are delighted to know you and hope you have another 20 years of discovering and shining a light into the shadows to illuminate independent music with your whip smart writing and big maverick hearts. Thank you from all of us in Madam... Your fan always! JED SOUTHGATE, DEERSTOCK FESTIVAL I discovered Pennyblackmusic through David Goodwin who has always supported our music collective Deerstock Charity Music festival. He and his lovely wife Cat have constantly supported us with their photographic skills and beautiful prose. Thank you Dave and Cat and Pennyblackmusic. PAUL TASKER, DOGHOUSE ROSES AND THE WILLARD GRANT CONSPIRACY (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2011 and 2017.) I first met John Clarkson around 2008. When I least expect I bump into John at a gig every now and then, and a feature I most like about Pennyblackmusic is the variety of genres covered, all with properly entertaining writing. We very much appreciate all the support for Doghouse Roses over the years too. ANDY THOMPSON, IDIOT SON (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2004 and 2014. Idiot Son played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London five times between 2004 and 2016 and will do so again at our 20th Anniversary gig at the Water Rats on September 15th 2018.) It is fair to say that without the love you have shown us over far, far too many years, then we would have sunk in to the Popular Music abyss. Not only would the World have forgotten us, we would probably have forgotten who we are, ourselves. You have a lot to answer for. We wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you for always being there and always caring. Here's to the next twenty years! JEREMY THOMS, THE CATHODE RAY AND STEREOGRAM RECORDINGS (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2011 and 2015. The Cathode Ray played two Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in Glasgow and London in 2012 and 2016.) Happy 20th Anniversary to Pennyblackmusic and all who sail in her. Your enthusiasm and support for the music scene - particularly 'under the radar' acts - has been brilliant. Here's to the next 20! CHRIS WADE, DODSON AND FOGG (6 Pennyblackmusic interviews between 2012 and 2018.) Congratulations to Pennyblackmusic for its 20th anniversary. I have been reading the website for years now, and it always publishes the most intelligent reviews and fascinating interviews without fail. It remains my favourite music source, either online or in print. I am also grateful for all the reviews Pennyblack have given me over the years, the kind words and the chances to be interviewed about my work. Here's to those 20 years, and to the next 20! I hold a sherry glass in the air to you, with the obligatory raised pinky finger, of course... PETER WATERMAN, PRODUCER FOR HATTIE BRIGGS AND CAROUSEL The support I’ve received from Pennyblack made me believe I could become the producer I am today. Without Malcolm Carter’s fantastic praise about my ability as a producer over the past couple of years, I might not be where I am today. It’s nice to know that there is a place like this where real music is appreciated and the processes are sometimes just as important as the result. PETE WEISS, PRODUCER, EX-PETE WEISS AND THE ROCK BAND ANd NOW THE WEISSTRONAUTS (3 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 1999, 2002 and 2007.) Congratulations, Pennyblackmusic! I’m glad to have known you all these years and hope we can hang out again soon! ROSIE WILBY, SOLO ARTIST AND COMEDIAN (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2000.) Happy Birthday, Pennyblack! It’s been great to work with you across my different guises, firstly as a singer-songwriter eighteen years ago being interviewed in depth about my music, then having John Clarkson come along to some of my Edinburgh comedy shows over the years (including the one that was a reprise of my music career) and then as a publicist via my company Piranha PR, enjoying considered, informed reviews of our artists. Best wishes for the future. SIMON YORK, LUXURY STRANGER (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2013 and 2015.) Pennyblackmusic - many happy returns! It's so good to see an independent music magazine with an honest head and supportive voice live so long, especially in today's climate. Many thanks to you and all who sail within for the support you've given to me and Luxury Stranger and all the other bands and artists out there. Also, many thanks for the ears and eyes you have opened! Here's to many more years, and more eyes and ears. All the best! Pennyblackmusic 20th Anniversary card by Dominic Simpson
Visitor Comments:- |
4977 Posted By: Audrey Eade, Leicester on 09 Sep 2023 |
Happy 25th Birthday Pennyblack Music! A brilliant online music mag. Thank you for all the wonderful support you've given Moon Under Water over the years, it's so appreciated by all of us x
876 Posted By: Risa Hall, Manchester on 10 Sep 2018 |
Happiest birthday . Thanks for your great support all these years x Love Risa
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25th Anniversary (2023) |
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Some of Pennyblackmusic's favourite artists and labels help us celebrate our 25th Anniversary by sending us their birthday greetings. |
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Writers' and Photographers Highlights (2023) |
Writers and Photographers' Albums of the Year 2021 (2021) |
'20 Years of Pennyblackmusic' Documentary (2018) |
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John Clarkson
Julie Cruickshank
Kimberly Bright
Lisa Torem
Maarten Schiethart