Miscellaneous - 15th Anniversary
by Admin
published: 31 / 8 / 2013

Some of Pennyblackmusic's favourite artists and labels help us celebrate our 15th anniversary by sending us their birthday greetings
DAVID ARMES, LAST HARBOUR AND LITTLE RED RABBIT RECORDS (4 Pennyblackmusic interviews between 2002 and 2012. Last Harbour played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London in 2012.) 15 years young. Congratulations, Pennyblack. Your constant support and passion, coupled with your reasoned critical insight, has been both a backbone and a fillip to labels and bands like ours operating in the DIY world. Long may you run! BETH ARZY AND BOBBY WRATTEN, EX-TREMBLING BLUE STARS (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2000 and 2006.) Happy 15th, PB! A toast to many more. LOUISE AUBRIE, SOLO ARTIST (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2013.) Happy Birthday, and thank you for 15 years of passion, heart, and pure love of music. Only another 3 years to go before we can legally buy you a drink to celebrate!! MARK BEAZLEY, EX-ROTHKO AND NOW ROME PAYS OFF (4 Pennyblackmusic interviews between 2001 and 2011. Rothko played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London in 2003 and 2007, and Rome Pays Off one in 2011.) Thank you to everyone who has been involved in Pennyblackmusic over the years. Your support of independent and alternative music has been unflinching, and, personally, I will always have special memories of the first show we played for you at The Spitz back in April 2003. Eight years later, you were still booking us to play for you. That's true support. Happy 15th birthday. Here's to many, many more. SCOTT BENNETT, BRIAN WILSON BAND AND THE BEACH BOYS I am more than pleased that the fine people at Pennyblackmusic are celebrating 15 years of dedication to keeping music awake and alive in an era where it's on life support. Thank you, and may you inspire your followers to be tomorrow's leaders. SIMON BERRIDGE, BROMIDE (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2012. Bromide played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London in 2012.) Happy Birthday, the Pennyblack crew! Thanks for the support and more importantly for continuing to publish a quality mag. Here's to the next 15 years... GILBERT BLECKEN, EX-PENNYBLACKMUSIC WRITER AND DESTINATION POP WEBSITE AND LABEL OWNER Since I discovered your site in 2004, Pennyblackmusic either introduced me to artists I have never heard of before or it delivers a different approach to writing about artists who are featured in other magazines as well. All the best and keep up the good work! NELSON BRAGG, BRIAN WILSON BAND, THE BEACH BOYS AND SOLO ARTIST (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2012.) Pennyblack is a great music journal featuring very cool people who really care about YOU! YOU... are the music lover and/or music maker. This journal gives unknown artists a chance to be discovered and hence purchased. I am proof of that and I'm very grateful! If not new, then their excellent staff inform you about artists you do know and what they are up to, helping you make an informed decision before buying new records. They do all this better than the majority of like-minded journals. All the best for your next 15 years! JOHNY BROWN, THE BAND OF HOLY JOY (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2012.) Right now...Pennyblack is my remedy. PETER COYNE, THE GODFATHERS (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2008 and 2013.) Congratulations from the Godfathers on 15 fantastic years! Here's to the next 15! Love and respect always. NATHANIEL CRAMP, OWNER AND PROMOTER OF SONIC CATHEDRAL RECORDS AND CLUB NIGHTS (Sonic Cathedral and its bands have been the subject of various interviews and articles at Pennyblackmusic between 2006 and 2013.) Happy 15th Birthday to Pennyblackmusic - thanks so much for the invaluable support for the records I release and the shows I put on. All the best to everyone who works for the site and keep up the good work! Here's to another 15 years and more. SIMON DAVIES, CEO, TEEN CANCER AMERICA (Pennyblackmusic published an extensive article on Teen Cancer America's work in 2013.) "Teen Cancer America, Roger Daltrey and Pete Townshend's charity in the USA, would like to congratulate you all on 15 successful years and especially for your support of our work to help American teenagers fight cancer. We look forward to further collaboration. ADAM DONEN, SOLO ARTIST (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2010 and 2011. Adam Donen played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London in 2011.) Pennyblackmusic, my old friend, I remember being fifteen - at the time, it was the most exciting and terrifying year of my life. Words to the wise: it only gets better. An honour to know you all, and Happy Birthday, and thanks for the chats, articles and shows. And long may they continue. DONOVAN, SOLO ARTIST (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2011.) The Penny Black was a British postage stamp bringing people together from all over the world. May music and your magazine continue doing the same for another 15 years. Yeah Mon! PETE FIJ, EX-ADORABLE AND NOW PETE FIJ AND TERRY BICKERS (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2012. Pete Fij and Terry Bickers played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London in 2012.) Dear Pennyblack, Happy 15th Birthday ! You're now a fully-fledged teenager. Thanks for helping to support our music and those of others in the musical hinterlands. Just another three years and you'll be able to celebrate with a drink! ROBERT FISHER, THE WILLARD GRANT CONSPIRACY (8 Pennyblackmusic interviews between 2008 and 2013. The Willard Grant Conspiracy plyed the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London in 2010 and 2012.) Nothing is easy and a magazine is one of the most difficult of sustained efforts. If the magazine's 15th year was measured in dog years, you'd be 105. Congratulations on your first centenary! AMELIA FLETCHER, EX-TALULAH GOSH, HEAVENLY, MARINE RESEARCH AND NOW TENDER TRAP (5 Pennyblackmusic interviews between 2002 and 2012.) Dear Pennyblackmusic. Can it really be 15 years? You're almost getting to be as old an indie fixture as me! Thanks very much for all the support over the years, and also for the five interviews which are amongst the best I've done. Keep up the good work, and here's to your 30th! AARON FOX, AARON FOX AND THE RELIABLES (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2010 and 2011.) Your kind words for us more than deserve some kind words in return. Thanks for all you have done in supporting artists and musicians for 15 years. That's quite an accomplishment and we are all very grateful for your assistance in spreading the word. Job well done! JOE GIDEON AND VIVA, EX-BIKINI ATOLL AND NOW JOE GIDEON AND THE SHARK (6 Pennyblackmusic interviews between 2003 and 2013. Bikini Atoll played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London four times in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 and Joe Gideon and the Shark two times in 2007.) Many congratulations to Pennyblackmuic for reaching the ripe old age of 15! In the world of music that's about 57. Thanks for all your support over the years. Here's to the next 57. WAYNE GOODERHAM, EX-BAPTISTE AND KELMAN (5 Pennyblackmusic Interviews between 2000 and 2008. Baptiste played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London in 2003 and Kelman in 2005 and 2007.) Many happy returns to John Clarkson and all the other good eggs at Pennyblack (& good eggs are hard to find). PROBYN GREGORY, BRIAN WILSON BAND AND THE BEACH BOYS Pennyblack provides yeoman's service to the plethora of artists who might otherwise fall into an undeserved crack in the crater-like surface of the music moon. Keep it up lads and lasses. Your efforts are as necessary now as ever they were. NICK HALLIWELL, OWNER OF OCCULTATION RECORDINGS (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2012.) Many happy returns and congratulations to Pennyblackmusic, one of our favourite places on the Web. We're now approaching our own fifth birthday and PBM have supported us for all of that time, covering pretty much all our releases and interviewing most of our artists. As we don't actually have a huge marketing budget (or, in many cases, any such budget at all), we rely on enthusiasm for the records we put out and PBM has been our longest-standing and most consistent supporter, for which we're eternally grateful. May the penny never drop. ANTONY HARDING, EX-HEFNER AND NOW ANT Happy 15th Birthday, Pennyblackmusic! Many happy returns and thanks for your support. DAVE HARDING, RICHMOND FONTAINE AND SOLO ARTIST (6 Pennyblackmusic interviews between 2002 and 2012. Dave Harding played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London in 2013.) Congratulations to Pennyblackmusic. Many thanks for all the support they have given Richmond Fontaine and my solo career over the years.Long may you run! CHRIS HEALEY, ARCO (2 Pennyblackmusic Interviews, 2000 and 2004.) Happy 15th, John and Pennyblackmusic - your dedication to the cause of independent music is awe-inspiring. Have a holiday, man. SHAUN HENDRY, OWNER OF VACILANDO '68 RECORDINGS (The bands on Vacilando '68 Recordings have been the subject of various Pennyblackmusic interviews and articles between 2010 and 2013.) Pennyblackmusic, we thank you for being there, shining a light on good music of all genres, and are proud to be a small part of the story itself... ever grateful for the exposure a label of our ilk receives. Congratulations on the first 15 years. GREGG HUNT AND STUART GRAY,CHILDREN OF LEIR (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2013.) 15 years!! All the very best! WILLIAM JONES, FRIENDS 3 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2003, 2004 and 2007. Friends played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in 2007.) Happy Birthday! 15 is a good age to be. Pennyblack has given us a lot of support over the years, selling our music, reviewing it, interviewing us and putting us on a stage. That’s more than most people have done and we’re grateful for your friendship and help. Have a good day, month, year, life! LAURENCE JUBER, EX-WINGS AND NOW SOLO ARTIST (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2012.) Love and many thanks to Pennyblackmusic for keeping the music alive. PAULA KELLEY AND AARON TAP, PAULA KELLEY ORCHESTRA (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 1999 and 2002.) Happy birthday, Pennyblackmusic! It's always great to appear in your pages, and the magazine is a continuing source of rock and roll knowledge. MARK KLUZEK, THE DOOMED BIRD OF PROVIDENCE (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2011. The Doomed Bird of Providence played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London in 2011.) Pennyblackmusic is a great magazine that have always been supportive of the band and we are very grateful for this. All the best and here's to another 15 years. LIAM MCKAHEY, EX-COUSTEAU AND NOW LIAM MCKAHEY AND THE BODIES (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2005 and 2009.) Happy birthday, Pennyblack. Here's to another 15 years. OLIVER MCKIERNAN, BASSIST FOR JAMES MCCARTNEY AND SOLO ARTIST In the words of Stevie Wonder and Altered Images 'Happy Birthday!' Thanks for being a champion of great music and musicians Here's to another 15 years of being RAD! STEPHEN MILES, EX-MODESTY BLAISE AND NOW THE SHORT STORIES (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2013.) Happy Birthday to Pennyblack, the best online music site. Keep up the good work! GYPSY DAVE MILLS, SOLO ARTIST (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2013.) Pennyblackmusic is an outstanding musical magazine and delivers as did the Penny Black of old. Cheers and may you last as long ! Happy 15th birthday. ROY MOLLER, SOLO ARTIST (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2012. Roy Moller played the Pennyblackmusic Bands' Night in Glasgow in 2012.) In 1840, Sir Rowland Hill introduced the Penny Black stamp and revolutionised the postal service. In 1998, John Clarkson, Richard Banks and their crew introduced Pennyblackmusic and created a revolution in the realm of discerning and informative musical review, bringing fresh perspective to the work of established artists and shining light on the efforts of lesser-knowns, myself included. Many thanks for your support and lang may yer lum reek. RICHARD NEUBERG, VIAROSA (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2005 and 2008. Viarosa played the Pennyblaskmuic Bands Night two times in London in 2007.) Happy Birthday, Pennyblack! Thanks so much for all your fine support over the years. It's always been a pleasure to deal with a publication that really cares for the music it writes about. Your interviews with Viarosa always seem to offer more insight than anyone else's! Here's to many more years yet... SARAH NIXEY, EX-BLACK BOX RECORDER AND NOW SOLO ARTIST, (3 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2003, 2007 and 2011.) Wishing you a wonderful 15th birthday. I have known you since you were very young and watched you grow to be the magnificent creation you are today. Well done! ERIC OSTERMEIER, CO-OWNER OF THE WORDS ON MUSIC LABEL (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2002. The bands on the Words On Music have also been the subject of various interviews and articles between 2001 and 2013.) Here’s to saluting Pennyblackmusic for 15 years of brilliance. Your jaw-dropping, in-depth interviews of both icons and lesser-known talents are absolute must-reads – and I’m always eager to see what’s coming next around the corner. Thank you for your continued stellar work and congratulations, Pennyblackmusic! MAY PANG, AUTHOR OF 'LOVING JOHN' AND 'INSTAMATIC KARMA' Pennyblackmusic - 15 years and still going strong...many more! WYATT PARKINS, OWNER OF SAINT MARIE RECORDS (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2012.) Happy #15 PBM, keep doing what you're doing... KAT PARSONS, SOLO ARTIST (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2001 and 2012.) Happy Birthday, Pennyblackmusic! What a great fifteen years it has been! I am so honoured to be a part of your incredible body of work -Pennyblackmusic's interview regarding my latest material was one of the most insightful and deep interviews of my career thus far. Somehow I revealed more than I ever intended! You are incredibly thoughtful in the material you cover and the depth in which you cover it. Thank you for your commitment to such high-calibre, unique coverage that is in itself artful. Pennyblackmusic inspires me as an artist and as a music fan. VINNY PECULIAR, SOLO ARTIST AND PARLOUR FLAMES (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2007 and 2013.) Happy birthday, Pennyblack - I am proud to have played a bit part in your epic journey. It's always been an absolute pleasure. Thanks for the support and long may you continue. STEVE PERRIN, THE DISTRACTIONS (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2011 and 2012.) Happy Birthday, Pennyblack. We love you. Please stick around for another 15 years so you can review our third album. JIM PETERIK, THE IDES OF MARCH AND SURVIVOR (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2009.) Happy 15th Birthday, Pennyblack. You totally have the Eye Of The Tiger! Many more! PHILAMONJARO, PHOTOGRAPHER (Regular guest photographer to Pennyblackmusic, 2012 and 2013.) I'm honoured to contribute images to such a stunning music site. You are an inspiration demonstrating a true mission of the best music journalism for diehard music fans in it for the love of the art. May we raise our glasses in cheer! SUZI QUATRO (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2012.) Happy, happy fifteenth...Keep up the good work...Love and rock and roll ANTHONY REYNOLDS, EX-JACK AND NOW SOLO ARTIST (4 Pennyblackmusic interviews between 2002 and 2011. Anthony Reynolds played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London in 2011.) Thank you Pennyblackmusic for your flattering, intense and happily baffling interest in my musical journey. TIM RIPPINGTON, EX-THE FLATMATES AND THE FIVE YEAR PLAN AND NOW THE SHORT STORIES (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2013.) Congratulations to Pennyblackmusic on making it to 15 years old. Here's hoping you can go on and double that at least! And thanks for being so kind to a little old band like the Short Stories when no one else was paying attention! MO ROBERTSON, JOHN CLARKSON'S PARTNER Happy Birthday to Pennyblackmusic. It"s been an awesome 15 years. (Thought this was easiest way to contact John. After all I'm only the girlfriend!!) HOLLY ROSS, THE LOVELY EGGS (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2012.) Many happy returns of the day, Pennyblackmusic. Have a good one and happy hangovers. ROBERT ROTIFER, ROTIFER (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2012 and 2013. Rotifer played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London in 2012.) Your site is such a treasure among the endless parade of copy and paste jobs that fill up the music blog world. We love you, keep going! PAUL SIMPSON, THE WILD SWANS (3 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2003, 2009 and 2011.) Revolutionary and spirited for 15 years! Happiest of birthdays to everyone at Pennyblackmusic. GRAHAME SKINNER, EX-THE JAZZATEERS AND HIPSWAY AND NOW SKINNER (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2011.) Happy 15 years, which in modern terms is an eternity. Three more years and we can go for a pint. Keep up the great work. SUKIE SMITH, MADAM (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2009 and 2011. Madam played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London in 2009 and 2011.) Happiest Birthday, Pennyblackmusic. You are a much loved brilliant force of smart-writing, big-hearted, hard-working, passionate lovers of maverick music. You rock in your dark hearts and we love you. JED SOUTHGATE, DEERSTOCK FESTIVAL ORGANISER (The Deerstock Festival was the subject of various Pennyblackmusic interviews and articles in 2013.) All the best Pennyblack on your 15th birthday. I have enjoyed my brief but enjoyable relationship with you and your magazine and look to expand my relationship with Dave and Cat Goodwin over the coming years. AUG STONE, THE SOFT CLOSE-UPS, FIRST KISS LIPS AND H-BIRD) (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2011.) Congratulations Pennyblackmusic on 15 years of great music coverage! Your Wild Swans and Martin Newell interviews were particularly excellent, and it was through you that I discovered the wonderful Hall Of Mirrors and got to see Nick Garrie perform. You're covering the music that should be covered. Looking forward to another 15 years! MIKE STONE, THE TELEVISION PERSONALITIES, ROTIFER AND DJ AT PENNYBLACKMUSIC BANDS' NIGHTS IN LONDON (The Television Personalities played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London in 2010 and Rotifer in 2012.) Happy 15th Anniversary to all at Pennyblackmusic! Thanks for your support and on-going devotion to music. DAVID THOMAS, PERE UBU (7 Pennyblackmusic interviews between 2004 and 2012.) I want to congratulate Pennyblackmusic on making it out to 15 years old. I actually visit the site, and I resent spending any time on the internet generally. So can't say better than that. Keep up the good work. ANDY THOMPSON, IDIOT SON (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2004. Idiot Son played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in London in 2004, 2005 and 2007.) I've no idea why they do what they do. Championing the underdog, the runt of the litter. I've no idea why they do what they do, (most erudite, passionate and eloquently) But in doing what it is they do It makes what we do worthwhile, And banishes the demons, And makes us feel warm and loved. I've no idea why they do what they do. But I hope to God that they keep on doing it. Thank you John Thank you Ben Thank you Pennyblackmusic Bless you all JEREMY THOMS, THE CATHODE RAY (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2011. The Cathode Ray played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in Glasgow in 2012.) Wishing Pennyblackmusic a Very Happy 15th Birthday, with thanks for all the support you have shown us. All the best, GEOFF TRAVIS, OWNER OF ROUGH TRADE RECORDS Happy birthday to your haven for writing about independent music. I wish you all success. ROBERT VANDEVEN, EX-THE LUCY SHOW AND THE WHITE SPACE AND NOW VANDEVEN FARROW (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2009 and 2012) I just want to thank Pennyblack for all the support they have given me and for keeping their magazine alive and running and the flame for independent music in general. Keep up the great work and happy birthday! ARTO VAUN, EX-MISHIMA AND NOW ARTO VAUN (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 1999 and 2012) Pennyblackmusic has championed my songs in the UK from the first 7" I released. Happy Anniversary! Well done! WILLY VLAUTIN, RICHMOND FONTAINE AND AUTHOR OF 'THE MOTEL LIFE', 'NORTHLINE' and 'LEAN ON PETE' (5 Pennyblackmusic Interviews between 2002 and 2009.) Happy Anniversary! We'd sure like thank Pennyblackmusic for helping us out all these years. They were one of the first places to take a chance on us, so hats off to them! CHRIS WADE, DODSON AND FOGG (2 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2012 and 2013.) Happy 15th Birthday to Pennyblackmusic. The site and Malcolm Carter in particular have been a huge help to my music over the past year, and the website is always brilliant at highlighting great music. Here's to another 15 years! PETE WEISS, PRODUCER, EX-PETE WEISS AND THE ROCK BAND, NOW THE WEISSTRONAUTS AND SOOL (3 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 1999, 2002 and 2007.) Happy Birthday, Pennyblackmusic! Thanks for all your top-notch work. I'm a fan, and will continue to be one. Here's to the next fifteen. ROSIE WILBY, SOLO ARTIST AND COMEDIAN (Pennyblackmusic interview, 2000.) I’ve known John Clarkson and Pennyblack for many years now since my own album was out back in summer 2000. Since then I’ve set up Piranha PR and enjoyed the extensive and considered reviews Pennyblack have given to musicians I’ve sent over the years such as Katy Carr and the Blow Monkeys. Not only that, John’s seen some of my solo comedy shows at Edinburgh Fringe. Great to see Pennyblack and its friendly authenticity surviving – here’s to many more years! MARK WILSON, SOLO ARTIST Well done on 15 years of serving the music community. I can't imagine how much work it takes to run Pennyblackmusic, but it sure is appreciated by the many folks who have visited the site. Keep up the good work. Here's to another 15 years. DAVEY WOODWARD, THE BRILLIANT CORNERS AND THE EXPERIMENTAL POP BAND (3 Pennyblackmusic interviews, 2006, 2010 and 2011. The Experimental Pop Band played the Pennyblackmusic Bands Night in Manchester in 2011.) Happy Birthday, Pennyblackmusic! Keep up the enthusiasm for bands new and old. DANIEL WYLIE, EX-COSMIC ROUGH RIDERS AND SOLO ARTIST Music...written about by music fans...for music fans. Keep it going. KRISTEEN YOUNG, SOLO ARTIST Happy Anniversary and onwards and upwards with the good fight. Best of all things. The Pennyblackmusic birthday card was designed by Dominic Simpson.
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