Bush Hall, London, 30/11/2007
St Vincent, the moniker for American musician Annie Clark, has won much acclaim for her debut album, 'Marry Me'. Chris O' Toole finds St Vincent's set rewarding, but over complicated and too unpredictable at the Bush Hall in London
Photoscapes (2022)
Andrew Twambley takes photographs of American musician St Vincent at the Academy in Manchester.
Daddy's Home (2021)
Thoughtful 70's retro pop on first album in four years from St. Vincent, the project of Texas-raised singer-songwriter Annie Clark
Actor (2009)
Fearlessly adventurous, but yet conventionally enjoyable second album from St Vincent, the moniker for American singer-songwriter Annie Clark
Marry Me (2007)
Heavenly-sounding debut album from the impossible-to-categorise St Vincent, the project of 24 year old Tulsa-based singer-songwriter and musician Annie Clark