Comment (2024)
Bob Nicholson enjoys the new release of Cliff Richard and The Shadows' Final Reunion tour from 2009. but asks why it is so belated and asks if recording remotely can ever replace working in a studio together.
Facing Up to the Competition (2020)
In his second feature for Pennyblackmusic on Cliff Richard and The Shadows, Bob Nicholson reflects on their career post the summer of 1963 and up against Beatlemania.
The Birth of British Pop/Rock (2019)
Bob Nicholson asks if the legacy of Cliff Richard and the Shadows and their influence on the British pop/rock movement has ever been properly recognized or whether they remain under-acknowledged.
A Head Full of Music
Bob Nicholson examines a new memoir from Cliff Richard in which he reflects upon thirty of the songs that have had the most influence on him.
Not Fade Away
With the realisation that his favourite artist Cliff Richard may never tour again,Bob Nicholson looks back on some of the highlights in his lengthy career.
Vs Elvis Presley
Bob Nicholson reflects on the parallels and contrasts between the careers of original rock and rollers Cliff Richard and Elvis Presley.
Cliff Richard
Taking Risks
Bob Nicholson explores the misguided perspective that rock icon Cliff Richard is ‘risk adverse’.