Libertines - Photoscapes 1

  by Amanda J. Window

published: 27 / 5 / 2020

Libertines - Photoscapes 1

In the first of two galleries Amanda J Window photographs the Libertines at the Victoria Warehouse in Manchester.


On the 10th and 11th December, and on the two nights before the general election in the UK, the English rock band the Libertines played gigs at the Victoria Warehouse in Manchester. The Libertines, which is centred around the songwriting partnership of Pete Doherty and Carl Barat, have attracted much controversy and tabloid headlines because of the tempestuous relationship between Doherty and Barat and Doherty's jail sentences and wild lifestyle. They have also produced three albums of classic alternative rock, 'Up the Bracket' (2002). 'The Libertines' (2004) and 'Anthems for Doomed Youth' (2015). Both our Manchester-based photographers Amanda J Window and Andrew Twambley were at the first date on the 10th December to provide separate photographic shoots for Pennyblackmusic of the Libertines. In the first of these two galleries, we are featuring Amanda's photographs of the gig, and in the second Andrew's photographs. "It was a freezing, and typical Mancunian, December night with horizontal rain and gale force winds but the Libertines still pulled a great crowd," reports Amanda. "As usual and fashionably 30 minutes late onto the stage they kicked off the show with 'Delaney' followed by 'Heart of the Matter' (one of my favourites) then 'Horror Show'. It was during 'Horror Show' that I saw evidence of flying lagers that had landed in the press pit. Luckily I didn't need the obligatory gig towel that night. Peter, apparently, stopped the show mid song to tell fans "Don't let it be the Tories!" I wish I could have stayed but with extreme weather conditions the trans from where I live were disrupted and the venue has absolutely no parking - so I had to cadge a lift and my 'driver' came to collect me. It's a long walk from Salford even with a big smile on your face after shooting your favourite band!" Photos by Amanda J Window

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Libertines - Photoscapes 1

Libertines - Photoscapes 1

Libertines - Photoscapes 1

Libertines - Photoscapes 1

Libertines - Photoscapes 1

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Live Reviews

Jacaranda Baltic, Liverpool, 6/4/2024
Libertines - Jacaranda Baltic, Liverpool, 6/4/2024
Amanda J Window watches indie band The Libertines take part in a Q and A and play a short set ar The Jacaranda Baltic n Liverpool as part of their launch tour for their new LP, ‘All Quiet on the Eastern Esplanade’.
Rochester Castle, Kent, 16/9/2021


What Became of the Likely Lads ? (2004)
Libertines - What Became of the Likely Lads ?
The Libertines have gained much press of late for singer Pete Doherty's ongoing battles with both drugs and authority. Jonjo McNeill examines the band's deconstruction and says that both fans and the media alike have to share responsibility


Photoscapes (2024)
Libertines - Photoscapes
Amanda J. Window photographs The Libertines at The Albert Hall; in Manchester
Photoscapes (2022)
Photoscapes (2021)
Photoscapes 2 (2021)

Digital Downloads



All Quiet on the Eastern Esplanade (2024)
Ramshackle but effective first album in nine years from The Libertines
The Best of the Libertines (2007)
What A Waster/i Get (2002)

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