Libertines - What A Waster/i Get

  by Mark Rowland

published: 5 / 6 / 2002

Libertines - What A Waster/i Get

Label: Rough Trade
Format: CDS
Controversial and already radio banned debut EP from newsworthy London based garage band , the Libertines


London's latest in the long line of garage punk bands has already managed to get themselves a substantial reputation through the title track of this, their debut single. 'What a Waster' has been banned from radio everywhere, due to the frequency of its use of the fuck word , the phrase 'Two bob cunts' and its drug references all inside its 2 minutes and 58 seconds running length. As a result, the song is rapidly achieving legendary status. The song itself is actually rather good, a direct descendant of the Jam, and second cousin of the Strokes, only ruder. And cockney. Well, from London anyway. Second A-side, the radio one approved (yes, that's right, the banning isn't quite as bad as it sounds) 'I Get Along' is very Strokes, only a bit scuzzier sounding than New York's richest. This song is also extremely catchy, showing that this band could be a lot more than a band with a controversial novelty single. B-side 'Mayday's traditional punk shows that there's also more to the Libertines song writing than sounding a bit like the Strokes, but then again, it is only a B-side, so it could just be a one off. Either way, this is a very strong debut single, and this band are definitely worth watching.

Track Listing:-

1 What A Waster
2 I Get Along
3 Mayday

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Live Reviews

Jacaranda Baltic, Liverpool, 6/4/2024
Libertines - Jacaranda Baltic, Liverpool, 6/4/2024
Amanda J Window watches indie band The Libertines take part in a Q and A and play a short set ar The Jacaranda Baltic n Liverpool as part of their launch tour for their new LP, ‘All Quiet on the Eastern Esplanade’.
Rochester Castle, Kent, 16/9/2021
Photoscapes 1


What Became of the Likely Lads ? (2004)
Libertines - What Became of the Likely Lads ?
The Libertines have gained much press of late for singer Pete Doherty's ongoing battles with both drugs and authority. Jonjo McNeill examines the band's deconstruction and says that both fans and the media alike have to share responsibility


Photoscapes (2024)
Libertines - Photoscapes
Amanda J. Window photographs The Libertines at The Albert Hall; in Manchester
Photoscapes (2022)
Photoscapes (2021)
Photoscapes 2 (2021)

Digital Downloads



All Quiet on the Eastern Esplanade (2024)
Ramshackle but effective first album in nine years from The Libertines
The Best of the Libertines (2007)

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