(i )heart music
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Our Website of the Month is (i )heart music, an Ottawa-based website dedicated to music from all over the world, but which puts special exposure on its native Canadian scene
First formed in 2005, i(heart) music www.iheartmusic.net is an Ottawa-based website that is dedicated,as it describes itself, "to the idea that good music is everywhere if you know where to look for it. Rather than obsessing over labels or trying to stay on the cutting edge of every passing fad, i(heart)music seeks to dig out the great music being produced in every genre and expose it to the widest audience possible."
While it has a blog which is up-dated daily with news, reviews and MP3 samples and that concentrates on music from all over the world, i(heart)music particularly aims "to give Canadian exposure to Canadian music".
It has a Featured Artist page which is updated once a week " to turn the spotlight on particularly noteworthy albums from Canadian bands and artists."
Readers get the opportunity to read in-depth and detailed reviews of the album profiled, hear MP3s, read a biography of the artist and also-best of all- to enter a competion for a chance to win the album.
Adopting a policy that "good music deserves to be shared, and i(heart)music will always seek to share as much music with its readers as possible', it is doing much good work to expose and promote the work of independent artists in Canada.