Flying Saucer Attack - Mirror (USA Sleeve)

  by Chris Jones

published: 17 / 12 / 2001

Flying Saucer Attack - Mirror (USA Sleeve)

Label: Drag City
Format: CD
After being very disappointed with "New Lands", it was with more than just a bit of trepidation that I ended up buying this latest release from Bristol's top saucer pilot. Hell, the artwork alone was


After being very disappointed with "New Lands", it was with more than just a bit of trepidation that I ended up buying this latest release from Bristol's top saucer pilot. Hell, the artwork alone was almost enough to scare me off! Well, at least I wasn't going to go into this with any high expectations, so at most I was just risking my money... Being greeted by static and that trademark FSA soothing guitar feedback on the first track made me feel at ease and when the dulcid tones of Dave Pearce came in I was taken back to the days of "Chorus" and "Further" and fine days those were indeed! Then it was time for a quiet, acoustic guitar filled track that may have had some cliche lyrics, but was still quite good. Hmmm, maybe "New Lands" was just an aberration? It wasn't until track 5, aptly titled "Chemicals", that the "electronica" elements and distorted vocals made their appearance. However, this time around the songs are actually...well, songs. In fact, this whole album is a bit more structured sounding than usual for FSA and I think that really makes this album easy and quite enjoyable to listen to. Even the drum'n'bass influenced tracks like "Wintersong", with the programmed beats and electro noises, come off well this time around - still not really what I'd call DnB beats, but also not the annoying seizure beats that "New Lands" and some of the tracks by fellow Bristol-er Third Eye Foundation have employed. No, these are somewhere between "Beat" era Bowery Electric and maybe the calmer side of Squarepusher. It's nice to see that Dave Pearce hasn't forsaken the droney, dreamier side of the FSA repertoire and that with "Mirror" - scary, psyche artwork and all - he has been able to incorporate both the old and newer sounds in such a natural sounding way.

Track Listing:-

1 Space (1999)
2 Suncatcher
3 Islands
4 Tides
5 Chemicals
6 Dark Wind
7 Winter Song
8 River
9 Dust
10 Rise
11 Star City

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