Lucid Dream - Heartbreak Girl

  by Fiona Hutchings

published: 29 / 11 / 2011

Lucid Dream - Heartbreak Girl

Label: Holy Are You Recordings
Format: 7"
Ummemorable 60's-influenced single from Carlisle-based four piece the Lucid Dream, rescued by its haunting and pwoerful B side


This Carlisle four piece have been compared to the Jesus and Mary Chain, the Byrds and Suicide amongst others. 'Heartbreak Girl' is posed as a 2 minute short sharp shock of 60's 'Spector' girl groups transitioning to the early sound of Primal Scream. While I can certainly hear a distinct 60's vibe in the rolling drums and guitar and Emmerson's vocals are not dissimilar to Bobby Gillespie in tone and pitch that is where the comparisons or interest end. 'Heartbreak Girl' is not particularly memorable. When music is played that loud and that fast I wonder what mistakes are being hidden. The B side is actually a far better track. 'I Feel So Lonesome' (I'm Blue For You') is slower and more rounded. Its pace give you more opportunity to really hear and enjoy Emmerson's languid but anguished vocals and a tune that is more like waves washing up against a barren shore, beautiful and haunting.

Track Listing:-

1 16B TLD Heartbreak Girl

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Actualisation (2018)
Impres sive Acid House-influenced fourth album from acclaimed Carlisle-based psychedelic rockersthe Lucid Dream

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