Gorilla, Manchester, 28/3/2015
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Although finding much to admire in much hyped group Blossoms, Harry Sherriff watching them at Gorilla in Manchester feels that they still have a lot of work still to do if they are to release the debut album that is expected from them
It felt a lot like Stockport Lads’ Club.
Blossoms impressed me last year in Liverpool supporting the Courteeners.
I didn’t see a massive difference in quality a year on. The capacity of the audience they attract has definitely changed, and frontman Tom Ogden has toned down his swagger.
They’ve got a strong EP of songs. ‘Blow’, ‘Cut Me’ and ‘My Favourite Room’ make it a worthwhile night, and show Blossoms are a band worthy of the hype. Halfway through the set though you do get the feeling things are a bit samey and even derivative. The choruses are catchy and the guitar parts are great but they have to try harder lyrically.
The inevitable debut album has to arrive no earlier than Summer 2016. With more time writing songs, that debut will be that much more special. They seem to have a great team behind them but patience is the key.
I like Blossoms. If they can write five belters over the next year, they’ll have a colossal debut. If they bring an album out sooner than next year, they’ll struggle. You’ve got to make a big splash these days, and what they’ve got at the moment isn’t enough.
It seemed like most of Stockport was in the venue but they have something to be proud of. Every town wishes they gave birth to a Blossoms. I like what I see. But I do want more.
Photos by Marie Hazelwood
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