Andy Snowball - Reviews
Mc Mabon
Occasionally affecting debut solo album from Welsh hip hop star, MC Mabon, which is destroyed by student humour
Of Montreal
'Rubber Soul' inspired melodic pop from Elephant 6 long termers, Of Montreal, which, despite its members stubborn refusal to acknowledge the last 35 years of music, proves "irresistable"
Action Spectacular
"Witty, mocking and moving", but unfortunately "too knowingly flippant" debut album from much touted Sheffield five piece
Atmospheric new EP from New York group, reminiscent of both Mogwai and the Cure
Uninventive debut CD from new group on Jade Tree label, which despite strong vocals, remains uninspiring
"Abominable" and pretentious new album from Montreal collective, who have been cited in some quarters as the future of hardcore
I Am Robot And Proud
"Effervescent pop sparkle" on the debut album of Canadian electronics wizard, I am Robot and Proud
"Breezy" and "sunny", but not totally convincing second album from Welsh group with an Elephant 6 influence
Thoroughly disappointing debut release from Linkin Park influenced Welsh rockers
Disappointing and uninspiring electropop from Cologne-based group