TD Lind


The Outskirts of Prosper (2011)
TD Lind - The Outskirts of Prosper

Superb first album in three years from UK born but now L.A. based singer-songwriter, TD Lind, which take their inspiration from his move to America, his recent marriage and him having become a father

Let's Get Lost (2007)
TD Lind - Let's Get Lost

Exceptional debut album of classic 70's-style singer-songwriter material from up-ad-coming talent TD Lind

Come In from the Cold (2006)
TD Lind - Come In from the Cold

Enjoyable debut single from English born, but much travelled singer-songwriter, TJ Lind



TD Lind
Interview TJ Lind - Interview

English born singer songwriter TD Lind has spent much of the last few years touring and living in America. With his debut album 'Let's Get Lost' just out, he talks to Malcolm Carter about songwriting, being on the road and playing gigs with Wilco and Ozzy Osbourne