Lo Recordings


Astronauts (2014)

Hollow Ponds
Melancholic yet diverse and imaginative debut album from Astronauts, the side project of Dark Captain's Dan Carney

Grimes (2011)

Distinctive, but confusing and frequently inaccessible debut album from Grimes, the project of Montreal-based musician Claire Boucher

Red Snapper (2014)

Superb new soundtrack album to 1970's Senegalese cult film, 'Touki Bouki', from experimental trio, Red Snapper

Susuma Yokoto (2009)
Susuma Yokoto - A Flower White

A Flower White
Serenely beautiful latest single from Japanese ambient electronic artist, Susuma Yokota. which featuring the vocals of Nancy Elizabeth Uncliffe, has several remixes

The Chap (2010)
The Chap - Well Done Europe

Well Done Europe
Disjointed and flawed second album from potentially promising London/Berlin-based electronic act, the Chap

Various (2018)
Various - Spaciousness

Hit and miss CD and double vinyl compilation from Lo Recordings in which various electronic and alternative artists examine the theme of spaciousness

Various (2009)
Various - A Psychedelic Guide to Monsterism Island

A Psychedelic Guide to Monsterism Island
Eclectic and eccentric entirely instrumental album, which featuring tracks by musicians such as Jerry Dammers, Gruff Rhys and the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain, takes its inspiration from the cartoons of Welsh illustrator and cartoonist, Pete Fowler
