Amanda J Window
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Our Website of the Month is the personal website of our Manchester-based music photographer Amanda J Window.
Our Website of the Month is the personal website (https://amandajwindow.wixsite.com) of our Manchester-based music photographer Amanda J Window.
Amanda began her photographic career by photographing authors at book signings. A book signing with Carl Barat for the launch of his book ‘A Threepenny Memoir’ at a Waterstones in Liverpool in 2010, followed by shooting a live music performance led her to pursue concert photography instead.
Amanda began her photographic career by photographing authors at book signings. A book signing with Carl Barat for the launch of his book ‘A Threepenny Memoir’ at a Waterstones in Liverpool in 2010 was followed by a live music performance, and a brief chat at it led her to pursue concert photography instead.
Amanda has shot for various magazines since then including 'Designer Magazine' and 'New Reviews', before later co-editing her own online music magazine 'The Hype Media UK' with Shirley Procter.
In early 2018 Amanda began shooting for Pennyblackmusic.
Amanda's website features approximately twenty-five of Amanda's photographs, including a photograph (shown above) of Alice Castle from Crystal Castles which taken at a gig in 2012 Amanda thinks is probably her best photo to date.
"There were only three photographers at the show and we were place on the stage left," Amanda recalls. "We were told that there was going to be a lot of smoke, no spots but lots of strobe lighting and that Alice was going to throw the microphone towards us. - but not to worry because the stage hand would catch it!"
"There was lots of thick smoke along with blinding strobe lights and she threw the mike stand and the photographers - Mike Gray, Hayden Riddings and I - wondered why we’d bothered as we couldn’t see a thing."
"Then all of a sudden she leapt into the audience and the spotlight followed her. What an opportunity! We dashed to the edge of the stage and took advantage of the bright white light illuminating her in-audience performance. I got home and I had taken my best photo to date. Mix Mag magazine were covering the Crystal Castles tour and bought it off me. I’ve got a copy now on my hall stairs."
Amanda J Window's site is an excellent introduction to the work of a very talented photographer.