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Our Website of the month is SuperDeluxeEdition, which is an independent music blog that focuses on reissues and box sets.
SuperDeluxeEdition http://www.superdeluxeedition.com is “an independent music blog specialising in reviewing deluxe editions, super deluxe editions and multi-disc boxset music releases.”
It concentrates on both CDs and vinyl, and, having been initially established in 2011, is updated on a regular daily basis.
There are news pages, lengthy reviews, occasional interviews, competitions and it runs its own shop.
SuperDeluxeEdition specialises in all genres of music, and recent posts have been about artists as diverse as Suzanne Vega, Prince, David Bowie, Bryan Ferry, Republica, Tears for Fears and the Pet Shop Boys.
For passionate music fans and collectors, Superdeluxeedition is an important and crucial resource.