De Heideroosjes - Sinema

  by Alex Halls

published: 28 / 3 / 2004

De Heideroosjes - Sinema

Label: Epitaph Records
Format: CD
Multiicultural and magnificent ninth album from Dutch punks De Heideroosjes which finds them both capturing the essence of European spirit and culture, and combining this with South African rap and tribal singing


As regular as Linda Barker's face on our television screens comes a Heideroosjes album of pure quality and mastery. At least this regularity we can actually look forward to. 'Sinema' is album number 9: what an album it is! De Heideroosjes have been playing punk rock of the highest calibre since their conception in 1989. Marco Roelofs (vocals, guitar), Frank Kleuskens (guitar, vocals), Fred Houben (bass) and Igor Hobus (drums) form the talented line-up that controls audiences with such ease, enlightening their minds and raising their spirits to extraordinary levels. New album, 'Sinema', follows in the path of its predecessors but, for once, appears to have limited weak links to just one; and that weakness is 'Delete Me', which fails on its lyrical aspect. Every other song is powerful, driven by that motivation that makes De Heideroosjes the most magnificent band of its genre. By capturing the essence of European spirit and culture, as well as the language, and combining it in 'Mamelodi Melodies' with South African rap and tribal singing, De Heideroosjes have produced what can only be described as the defining point of modern punk rock. Their ability to seep issues of all kinds onto their albums whilst embracing other genres of music within their own, puts the band on a plateau which, for many, would be impossible to reach, save for the intervention of a presently unknown superior being. It is understandable that much of the appreciation of 'Sinema' will come from an identification of and affiliation to the culture within which the album has been produced, That is not to say that it cannot transcend boundaries, for it does just that, but a knowledge of the Dutch language doubtlessly would help at times. Proof of European unity is best seen on 'Sinema' in 'Euronoise', where De Heideroosjes have collaborated with artists from major bands in Germany (Terrorgruppe), Italy (The Shandon), France (Burning Heads) as well as Spain, each providing their own lyrics to a song of epic proportions: "Euronoise is all we wanna play. Spread it out from Spain to Greece, up to the UK! Euronoise is all we wanna play. Save the bullshit for tomorrow, unite tonight we say." De Heideroosjes songs are motivating to say the least. By questioning government and terrorist motives in 'We All Share The Same Sun', the Dutch masters provide us with an intelligent point of view that the world ought to take heed of: "I've gotta respect... your religion and culture, but I was taught... that's a two way street." Messages such as this coupled with the well crafted punk make 'Sinema' a real treat. At times the album becomes heavy, without being overbearing, at times melodic; coming together, incorporating each sumptuous segment into a beautiful whole.'Damclub Hooligan', the first single to be released off the album , “is about a hooligan who crosses the country while demolishing it in name of his draughts club. 'Ons Steentje' provides the listener with punk rock without comparison; uncompromising and bold. The prejudice-bashing lyrics of 'Mamelodi Melodies' are depictive of the band’s open eyes; their understanding of the real occurrences of the world that surrounds them. It is too easy to turn a blind eye to degradation and poverty, ignoring that which doesn’t find itself directly on our doorstep. It is important to recognise how far democracy has taken us, through many processes and years of change but one just has to look at Nazi Germany to recognise that 200 years of democracy served very little in combatting prejudice. Western States have had their chances but still feel the need to prejudice at any given moment: there are too many examples that support this point. ''Mamelodi Melodies' picks up on the positive side of what is being done in South Africa, through the unity of blacks and whites, but also portraying how humble one can feel as a visitor to such a sacred land: “We drove into another world and I could only stare at clouds from burning trash filling the air. And I felt like a silly tourist on a cheap trip into other people’s daily misery.” 'Sinema' is punk rock at its best, meaningful, apt, buoyant and, proverbially, the icing on the cake for a band who have striven hard to deliver. Never before has an album understood current issues; both cultural and political; whilst retaining that "fun" element that comes from music. 'Sinema' is serious, yet approachable, never deterring listeners from its superior qualities. What's more is the bonus track, 'Bag Full Of Stories', if sung by a popular artist, could easily make the chart top ten. As the title suggests, a story is told, and one which finalises the extraordinary accomplishment that is 'Sinema'. De Heideroosjes have produced some exceptional albums in their 15 years and, if Sinema is anything to go by, laws must be introduced to make another 15 years compulsory as the world would inevitably be a better place for it.

Track Listing:-

1 Sinema
2 Psychic
3 Why Does Everybody Steal My Hits?
4 The World
5 Damclub Hooligan
6 Delete Me
7 Mamelodi Memories
8 De Portier (Blijt Dat Ie Blaffen Ken)
9 Scapegoat Revolution
10 Come Clean
11 Dan Breekt Hel Los
12 Ebersberg
13 One On One
14 One Way Ticket
15 We All Share The Same Sun
16 Euronoise

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