Charlie Watts


Raging Pages (2020)

Charlie Watts - Raging Pages

In her 'Raging Pages' book column Lisa Torem enjoys 'Sympathy for the Drummer: Why Charlie Watts Matters', a new book which pays tribute to the legendary Rolling Stones drummer.



Jack Bruce
Interview Jack Bruce - Interview

Lisa Torem speaks to former Cream bassist and music legend Jack Bruce about his new solo album, 'Silver Rails'


1941-2021 Charlie Watts - 1941-2021

Nick Dent-Robinson pays tribute to Rolling Stones drummer Charlie Watts who died on August 24th.

Jack Bruce
14/4/1943 – 25/10/2014 Jack Bruce - 14/4/1943 – 25/10/2014

Nick Dent-Robinson reflects on the life of Cream bassist Jack Bruce, who died aged 71 in October