Woven Hand


Mosaic (2006)
Woven Hand - Mosaic

Surprisingly accessible second album from Woven Hand, the new project of the notoriously intense David Eugene Edwards, the one-time frontman with 16 Horsepower

Consider The Birds (2004)
Woven Hand - Consider The Birds

Intense and unsettling, but ultimately highly rewarding second album from Woven Hand, the sparse solo project of David Eugene Edwards, the frontman with long-serving alt. rockers 16 Horsepower



David Eugene Edwards
Interview 16 Horsepower - Interview

David Eugene Edwards is the former lead singer with the much acclaimed 16 Horsepower, and currently the front man with Woven Hand. John Clarkson talks to him about Woven Hand's just released fifth album ,his musical career and the srongh biblical influences on it