Fire Engines


Interview with Davy Henderson (2012)

Fire Engines - Interview with Davy Henderson

Jon Rogers talks Davy Henderson from Edinburgh-based post-punks the Fire Engines about his group's brief, but influential history



Nectarine No. 9
Interview Nectarine No 9 - Interview

The Nectarine No. 9 has been the most stable group of the Edinburgh-based musician Davy Henderson since he left the influential Fire Engines. With the band's fifth album 'I Love Total Destruction’ just out, he talks to Olga Sladeckova


Spectorbullets/Mayakovsky Produkts
Interview Blue Eyed Black - Interview

Former Fire Engines drummer Russell Burn and journalist and ex Re-Action Recordings owner Innes Reekie talk to John Clarkson about their new label Mayakovsky Produkts and its first album, the self-titled debut CD of Burn's new band Spectorbullets