Brian James Gang


Interview Part 3 (2007)

Brian James Gang - Interview Part 3

In the third and final part of our interview with former Damned guitarist Brian James, he talks to John Clarkson about his new band the Brian James Gang and the recoding of their eponymous debut album

Interview Part 2 (2007)

Brian James Gang - Interview Part 2

In the second part of our three part interview with former Damned guitarist Brian James, he talks to John Clarkson about touring America as part of Iggy Pop's band and forming the Lords of the Church with wild man of rock, the late Stiv Bators, and that's group spectacular on stage break-up

Interview Part 1 (2007)

Brian James Gang - Interview Part 1

Brian James, the founder and one-time leader of the Damned, has returned with a new group the Brian James Gang and his first album in 12 years. In the first part of an extensive three part interview he speaks to John Clarkson about his time with the legendary punks