Rhiannon Scutt


Rhiannon Scutt (2018)

#9 EP
Enchanted and 'beautifully imperfect’ EP from Yorkshire-based singer-songwriter Rhiannon Scutt recorded live at the intimate Cafe #9 in Sheffield



(With El Heneghan and Lovell). Greystones, Sheffield, 22/4/2022 Rhiannon Scutt - (With El Heneghan and Lovell). Greystones, Sheffield, 22/4/2022

Sheffield-based singer-songwriter Rhiannon Scutt has simultaneously released three new EPs entitled ‘'Facets'. At a launch gig at Greystones in Sheffield, Nicky Crewe finds that they show just how much she is capable of as songwriter and a performer. They are a fantastic introduction to her work and a celebration of her style.