Nelson Bragg


Nelson Bragg (2012)

We Get What We Want
Exuberant power pop on second solo album from Brian Wilson and Beach Boys percussionist and drummer, Nelson Bragg



Anny Celsi
Interview Anny Celsi - Interview

Los Angeles-based singer-songwriter Anny Celsi speaks to Malcolm Carter about her first album in six years, 'Tangle-Free World', which has been produced by Brian Wilson drummer Nelson Bragg, and her forthcoming European tour

Duncan Maitland
Interview Duncan Maitland - Interview

John Clarkson speaks to former Picture House guitarist Duncan Maitland about his long planned debut solo album, ‘Lullabies of the 21st Century’, and his recent tour with Los Angeles-based singer-songwriter Anny Celsi and Brian Wilson percussionist Nelson Bragg

Nelson Bragg
Interview Nelson Bragg - Interview

Andy Cassidy speaks to Brian Wilson percussionist and Los Angeles-based musician Nelson Bragg about his long musical career, and just released second solo album,‘We Get What We Want’