Xylouris White - Goats

  by Maarten Schiethart

published: 4 / 12 / 2014

Xylouris White - Goats

Label: Other Music Recording Company
Format: CD
Enthralling debut album from Crete-based lute player George Xylouris and American musician and drummer Jim White, who formed a duo after playing a gig together at All Tomorrow's Parties last year


George Xylouris, the grand lute player from Crete, and Jim White formed a duo last year after playing a concert together at All Tomorrow's Parties. The duo's debut album 'Goats' was released recently, and is just lute and drums yet shows a strikingly tremendous chemistry. Jim White's arms fly over the drumkit and always seem to be in pace with Xylouris's virtuosity. The interaction is magnificent. Introspection and subliminal rapture go hand-in-hand on 'Goats' and, even with just one track featuring vocals, the album breathes emotion - the captivating storytelling comes from skittled snares, skins and cymbals. The pure joy of musicianship is very evident. No, I have not visited the superlative shop. And do not play this album at dinner time, or in a restaurant, as your mind would wander off there and your dinner would go cold. The album's warmth continues to glow and echo after the last track has finished. 'Goats' is one of those few albums that can leave you numb, when for a while, as you decide to not listen to any other music. When you don't want to spoil the merry resonances.

Track Listing:-

1 Pulling the Bricks
2 Old School Sousta
3 Psarandonis Syrto
4 The Bells
5 Wind
6 Suburb
7 Chicken Song
8 Fandomas
9 Run and La

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