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Our Website of the Month is Soundcollabs, which helps musicians find other musicians to collaborate and work with
Everyone loves to create and/or produce exciting music. Yet many artists find themselves isolated without the personnel or talent required to finish their projects.
Here is where Soundcollabs http://www.soundcollabs.com enters the picture. The site is easy to operate with options printed clearly on lime-green shapes.
The user can post requests looking for a collaborator or search for requests already composed. Currently there are individuals of all ages who come from Canada, Hungary, the UK, Estonia, Spain, looking to find that perfect someone to complete a project. Users who are already familiar with Facebook, Skype and Soundcloud will especially find this resource useful as these social utility networks tie in beautifully with the simple process.
When you utilise the service, you are asked to identify yourself by name, software preference, the musical genre you are exploring, your geographic location and specific timelines for reaching your recording goal. You can furnish your own incomplete track and request the addition of a singer, engineer or instrumentalist, or you can add your own unique skills to existing tracks.
The possibilities seem to be endless. The musical styles listed include pop, rap, indie, trance, dubstep and ambient. A recent query showed a producer and DJ from the UK, from the hip hop genre, requesting rappers for a June 2014 recording project. The artist can create a track for free or request or furnish a remix.
But, of course, the question, then, is, What now? How does the artist with that completed track find an interested label? Soundcollabs has thought that problem through. as well.
A lime-green icon reads: "Get signed to:" and when pressed it lists labels, which are currently seeking out specific recording projects, by genres along with deadlines and royalty rates. So if you're enthusiastic about your project but need some artistic support, Soundcollabs is the place.