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Our Website of the Month is Discogs, a community-built database of music information
Discogs www.discogs.com describes itself as being a "community-built database of music information."
Providing discographies for both labels and artists, all of which are cross-referenced, it has detailed facts about thousands of albums and singles on both CD and vinyl and complete record by record retrospectives of artists' careers.
It also has its own marketplace, in which visitors can buy and sell both used and new items, and also publishes music reviews.
Up-dated on a daily basis, Discogs is one of the largest sources for music by both established and less well-known artists on the internet.
Visitor Comments:-
256 Posted By: D. Athanasiou, Athens on 07 Feb 2010 |
I have a discogs account and I have rated almost a thousand records! One day I decided to contribute some of my records which were never available in the database.I scanned the cd cases and sat down for SO MANY HOURS to write the tracklisting. I admit that I hadn't read so carefully all the guidelines how to submit, but the tracklisting was all correct. The only difference was that i unintentonally created new Artist links .For example , Someone Feat. Someone was in blue letters instead of someone in blue Feat .(in black) and someone in blue which finally would be 2 artists links instead of 1. Later , One guy instisted on moving one record to draft. I told I had no time to do so and so many fascists were threatening to remove my contributing ability and were trying to send me away from the site. Now , I can't contribute , my ratings are removed and I can't even change my account settings!!!! FASCISM in all it's "glory"!!!!
225 Posted By: Maarten Schiethart, Pennyblack Music on 27 Sep 2009 |
One of my treasures but Discogs rather is a source of information than a market place. It's an excellent initiative.