The Lipster
published: 24 /
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Our Website of the Month is The Lipster, a website that takes an affectionate, but humorous look at the music industry
The Lipster www.thelipster.com is a website that describes itself as being about "music, news and rock 'n' roll oddities", and which takes an affectionate, but humorous look at the music industry.
It is edited by Rebecca Nicholson and Wendy Roby, and has recently celebrated its first anniversary.
In Rebecca and Wendy's words, "we are all about the love of music, but think you should be able to express that love without being a pretentious dinosaur. We poke fun at po-faced popsters, stick up for heroes, get giddy as kids about music we like, call out thickness, ask bands we love questions you haven't heard a squillion times before AND celebrate the inherent daftness of the music industry."
The Lipster is up-dated regularly, often several times a day, and includes interviews, features, competitions and regular blogs and columns.