Every Drummer
published: 23 /
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Oue Website of the Month is Every Drummer, a website that profiles some of the world's best known drummers
Every Drummer www.everydrummer.com is a website that profiles some of the world's best known drummers.
Names include drummers from classic rock acts such as Ringo Starr, Charlie Watts from the Rolling Stones and Keith Moon from the Who ; heavy metal and rock bands like Phil Rudd from AC/DC, Lars Ulrich from Metallica and Brian Downey from Thin Lizzy, and also more contemporary groups such as Will Champion from Coldplay, Taylor Hawkins from the the Foo Fighters and Phil Selway from Radiohead.
There are brief biographical notes on each drummer, information on the equipment they use and links to their band's websites. Every Drummer provides a list of its 100 top drummers of all time. There is also information on where one can find drums and other drum equipment.