California Oranges - Oranges And Pineapples

  by Richard Mather

published: 23 / 5 / 2003

California Oranges - Oranges And Pineapples

Label: Darla
Format: CD
Breezy, no frills summer pop from Sacremento-based group California Oranges, several of whose members also play in the Sinking Ships


California Oranges isn’t the most hard hitting of names, and neither is the album title, but XTC got away with the same approach and for fans of Holiday Flyer / Sinking Ships this album is a must. And for those who haven’t yet discovered the breezy summer pop of this slightly geeky musical grouping, then if catchy guitar led indie pop tunes and uncomplicated lyrics are your thing you might just like this. Basically this citric west coast foursome are the same band as Sinking Ships, but with one significant variation. The Levine brothers are there as ever on guitar and drums, Verna Brock remains on bass and backing vocals, but Katie Conley’s vocals have been substituted for John’s and the whole sound is given more bite with the addition of his guitar. 'Oranges & Pineapples' is a short, no frills, album of ten sub 3 minute pop songs. The opening four tracks, 'Broken Typewriter', 'Never Do That Again', 'Any Other Day' and 'Spacesuit', are all strong – simple riffs, great melodies, straightforward easy listening. The fifth track, 'So Many Days', is the odd one out on the album, being the only track where John Conley doesn’t sing. Instead Verna Brock takes the lead. Sadly the lyrics are a tad twee … “Spent so may nights wondering what’s wrong with my Mr Right …” and Ms Brock’s vocals are a little stretched at times. Nice idea, but wrong song for this album. But it’s easy to criticise and despite this minor transgression the album is still well worth hearing. The second half starts in a different mood, with 'Ticket Booths & Turnstiles' reminiscent in many ways of the Go-Betweens latest offering, a slower, mellower, more acoustic tune, and 'Circle Line' and 'Come Back Now' are also lighter. 'Cool Breeze' and the final track 'Get Away' are much punkier efforts which, although short (1 min 30 and 2 mins ), undoubtedly merit their place on this album. All in all, nine decent tracks out of ten and something different to Sinking Ships, largely because of the change of lead vocalist, but palpably from the same gene pool and with a rougher edge brought by the second guitar. I genuinely look forward to the next album from this Californian co-operative, but perhaps with a few more songs on the next album to take us into 40-45 minute territory and a few less of the syrupy lyrics that can creep in from time to time.

Track Listing:-

1 Broken Typewriter
2 Never Do That Again
3 Anyother Day
4 Spacesuit
5 So Many Days
6 Ticket Booths And Turnstyles
7 Cool Breeze
8 Circle Line
9 Come Back Now
10 Get Away

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