Four Tet - Ringer EP

  by Benjamin Howarth

published: 25 / 5 / 2008

Four Tet - Ringer EP

Label: Domino Records
Format: CDS
Pleasant-on-the-ear, but repetitive and dull latest EP from the usually reliable Four Tet


Generalising wildly, there are two extremes in electronic music - music made solely for entertainment designed to be listened to at maximum volume in a club and music made solely as an academic exercise where the listening experience is, if we are to be honest, of minimal importance. Kieran Hebden’s music as Four Tet has always bridged these extremes. It has been playful, melodic and has made for an undemanding listening experience. But it has always also been adventurous, always capable of surprise and seemingly at the cutting edge of electronic music - without needing to be pretentious (well, not often, anyway!) I have been an especially keen fan of Four Tet for years now, and have seen him play live on several occasions, most recently when he was the outstanding act at last year’s Field Day festival. Alhough wedged behind a laptop, he manages to put on a captivating show, even while it is unclear what he is actually doing beyond playing the songs through his computer. As with his albums, Four Tet live has an appeal that isn’t really very easy to explain. Slightly disappointingly, Hebden has concentrated on other projects in the studio since 2005’s 'Everything Ecstatic'. The return of his post-rock band Fridge was a pleasant surprise, but while his collaboration with ‘legendary’ jazz drummer Steve Reid was surely thrilling to avant garde admirers, I can’t say I play my copy all that often. So a new set of Four Tet material is very welcome. Or at least it would have been, were this anything like as good as ‘Pause’ or ‘Rounds’. Four tracks over thirty minutes makes for a generous helping from an EP, but the indefinable quality that made his music so much more exciting than all the dull music stuck in the shadow of Aphex Twin is lacking on ‘Ringer’. Instead, we have four rather samey efforts, without the well-chosen tunes that have always set him apart. You might do the ironing to this music, and it will sit pleasantly in the background, but repeat listens reveal little more than uninspiring techno beats. A real shame.

Track Listing:-

1 Ringer
2 Ribbons
3 Swimmer
4 Wing Body Wing

Label Links:-

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Interview (2003)
Four Tet - Interview
Four Tet's third album 'Rounds' was released to enormous acclaim earlier this year. Main man Kieran Hebden speaks to Anthony Dhanendran about the incredible reaction to it, and how he has been touring with it ever since

Live Reviews

Scala, London, 15/5/2003
Four Tet - Scala, London, 15/5/2003
Despite appearing solo with just two laptops for company, Kieran Hebden, aka Four tet, proves himself capable of making quite a noise on stage. Anthony Dhanendran watches him play a raucous set at the London Scala

Digital Downloads


There is Love in You (2010)
Predictable, but accessible latest album from Four Tet, the much acclaimed project of former Fridge member Keiran Hebden
Remixes (2006)
Everything Ecstatic (2005)
Pause (2001)

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