Fallen Leaves - Out in a Forest/The Inside of a Chair

  by Maarten Schiethart

published: 11 / 1 / 2016

Fallen Leaves - Out in a  Forest/The Inside of a Chair

Label: Market Square Records
Format: 7"
Melodic vinyl-only single from London-based 60's-influenced garage rock group the Fallen Leaves with a stunning instrumental B-side


Yeah baby, ring that tambourine. Drop out, twist your hips. Ah, the Byrds and the Beatles. The Fallen Leaves tell you all about it. My favourite track is 'The Inside of a Chair' on the flip though, a surf instrumental much in the style of the Zantees or the bands on Don't Fall Off The Mountain Records around 1979/1980. It has a sharp and snappy twang that rolls like a thunderous wave. The A-side is quite melodic but singer Rob Green forgot to blow his nose before the recording. 'Out is a Forest' lacks that superior moment of oomph. 9/10 for the B-side alone though.

Track Listing:-

1 Out in a Forest
2 The Inside of a Chair

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Not Hollywood (2024)
Fallen Leaves - Not Hollywood
In his film column Not Hollywood' Maarten Schiethart reflects on Finnish director Aki Kaurismaki's absurdist romantic comedy 'Fallen Leaves'.

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